The Empire and Ukraine (2022)
The Empire and Ukraine (2022)
The Empire and Ukraine (2022)
Andrew Murray
£ 3.50
Empire and Ukraine 2022 returns to the themes first set out in Andrew Murray’s 2015 book The Empire and Ukraine now available at a specially reduced price
When first published by Manifesto Press this book immediately drew the attention of critics, from both the right and elements of a self professed left, who found its focus on the stark realities of imperialism’s barely disguised operations within Europe too much to accept.
The mass movement against the Iraq war, the opposition to imperialist intervention in Syria and Libya, the long NATO war on Afghanistan, the human disaster of the war on Yemen and opposition to British and US sponsorship of the Saudi war machine are big elements in the welcome growth of a conscious anti-imperialist trend in British public opinion that is as opposed to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it is to NATO’s expansion eastwards.